• Client



    Marketing Material, and App Development

  • My Role

    User Research, Ideation, User Journey/Flows, Visual Design, Wire Framing, Iconography, & motion graphics

  • Team

    Arlene Santos- Art Director Karla Varela (Me), Dipak Patel-CEO

  • Tools Used

    Sketch, Illustrator,Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Premier, After Effects, InDesign



Creating marketing material for variety of VR apps and desktop apps for the Giants, Sharks, 49ers, DT and Zeality.

  • The Story

    Zeality is an interactive VR platform company that needed marketing material, and product developement. Driving interactivity, they helped with fan engagement with teams like The Sharks, The Giants, and The Vikings.

  • Old UI
The Challenge

Working in start up of new emerging technology proved to be the challenge, but the most exciting part of it! I had to be upto date with the latest developement on VR, AR, XR, and everything in between. When developing marketing material I had to visualize concepts into icons or images, when they didn’t exist at the time to convey Virtual Reality.

Zeality New Web
  • The Process

    The process varied from project to project. Sometimes I worked with the team on creating a story line for a marketing video, sometimes hopped between projects to help design a new product, and other times on skining a new brand under zeality’s app. It was always something different. I enjoyed working with a variety of projects which made each day very exciting.


At Zeality we helped sports brands create fan engagement in VR. This would mean research, and learning as much as possible of the brand we were creating a VR app for. I would discover their brand styles, and apply them to their product.The following are end to end solution we were able to provide.


Zeality we delivered content creator solutions. We worked on delivering a VR (HMD) experience, mobile, and desktop console for the brand to be able to edit their content.

  • HMD Product App was made for inhouse at the Giants Stadium.

    Giants Solution
  • Another solution for the Vikings. They would be able to showcase games and other special feature in VR

    Vikings Solution
  • This was an end to end VR solution for the Sharks. We provided a content creator page where our client could themselves update their VR content.

    Sharks Solution
  • We also worked with clients from across the globe providing VR solutions to event coverage like concerts

    DT Solution
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