• Client

    Local Citizen


    Branding, Marketing Material, and App Design

  • My Role

    User Research, Ideation, User Journey/Flows, Visual Design, Wire Framing, Iconography, & motion graphics

  • Team

    Karla Varela (Me)

  • Tools Used

    Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Premier, After Effects, InDesing


Local Citizen

A locally sourced susbcription box for citizens that like to help their community.

  • The Story

    A subscription charity box that focus is based on the betterment of local communities. This monthly subscription will keep the patrons engaged by delivering updates of where there donations are going, and sending them a box full of goodies that are curated with local items that include their stories as well. The logo was created with the intention of customizing the center of the drop pin to the city it services. San Francisco, skyline is depicted in the interior of the "drop pin", as its first city to cater to.

  • Logo

Video Bumper

  • About

    This monthly subscription box sends the user quirky gifts that are localy sourced, and helps local non-profits. This video bumper is light and happy, displaying a local park in the San Francisco area that is well known by locals.

  • Challenges

    Finding the right music Learning to fly a drone


    6 second

Mobile Design

Mobile Design